
My fascination with photography started very early in life. Both my father and my step father were quite talented photography hobbyist and when I saw the way they were able to capture moments of time inside their cameras I knew that I wanted to do the same. I got my first point and shoot when I was 13 and moved up to a Pentax SLR when I graduated from high school. There was no turning back from there!

I now work with both Pentax and Nikon Digital SLRs, and stay pretty current with digital editing software. I am currently absolutely entranced with Photoshop CS6 Extended, Perfect Photo Suite 7 and HDR Efex Pro 2 and all the great new stuff I can do with these tools. The ease at which I am now able to merge and combine images is opening a world of photocompositing that I had only flirted with in the past. I can’t wait to start adding the images in my head to the images I have captured in life.

My newest challenge is working with the subject I have the least control over, other people. In the past I had avoided doing portrait and lifestyle work out of fear. I was always afraid that in a world where I have little to no control, like a wedding, that I would not be able to seize the moment. The weight of responsibility seemed over whelming. I have since become far more comfortable with my ability, and when I see what is out there from other photographers I realize that I can do the job, and have also discovered that I love it! So if you are a Michigander and  have something coming up, or are past due for a current family portrait fill out the contact form on my main site and I will be in touch.

Nighttime at Whote Lake ChannelPlease come back and visit often. My plans are to post at least three times a week. I have so much I would like to share, but sometimes have trouble finding the time. All images are the personal and intellectual property of the photographer. No rights are being granted for any use other than the joyful viewing from this site. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

For more details about me or my work, or for contact information please visit my full website JGallerie Photography or find us on facebook at JGallerie Photography & Design.

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